
地下环球宝贝助孕市场调查 :美国研究显示环球宝贝助孕后同房不


  摘要:  以前有过早产经历,所以这次怀上宝宝就格外小心?环球宝贝助孕数月几乎什么运动都不敢做了,甚至包括爱人的亲昵也一概拒绝?别担心,美国科学家的一项最新研究显示,对于那些有过早产经历的女性来说,在再次环球宝贝助孕初期和爱人过夫妻生活对发生再次早产的可能性并不会造成什么影响。  For women who've previously had a preterm delivery, having sex during early pregnancy does not affect the likelihood of having another preterm birth, new research shows.  以前有过早产经历,所以这次怀上宝宝就格外小心?环球宝贝助孕数月几乎什么运动都不敢做了,甚至包括爱人的亲昵也一概拒绝?别担心,美国科学家的一项最新研究显示,对于那些有过早产经历的女性来说,在再次环球宝贝助孕初期和爱人过夫妻生活对发生再次早产的可能性并不会造成什么影响。  For women who've previously had a preterm delivery, having sex during early pregnancy 地下环球宝贝助孕市场调查 :美国研究显示环球宝贝助孕后同房不 does not affect the likelihood of having another preterm birth, new research shows.  害怕早产 就拒绝亲昵  据路透社4月28日报道,美国艾默瑞大学的研究人员在新一期的《产科学与妇科医学》杂志上发表文章说,尽管人们对于夫妻同房对孕妇再次发生早产危险的影响了解并不充分,但环球宝贝助孕期间减少包括性行为在内的身体运动通常被推荐为是可以预防或治疗早产症状的方法。之前有过早产经历的妇女据信会比其他人更容易再次发生早产,因此也就成为遵循上述建议的主要对象。  Still, data are lacking on the effect of sexual intercourse on the risk of recurrent preterm delivery.  Cutting back on physical activity, including sexual intercourse, during pregnancy is often recommended to prevent or treat preterm labor symptoms, note the authors of the 地下环球宝贝助孕市场调查 :美国研究显示环球宝贝助孕后同房不 study in the medical journal Obstetrics and Gynecology. Women with a prior preterm birth are known to be at increased risk for having a recurrence and, therefore, could be prime targets for such advice.  最近,美国艾默瑞大学医学院的尼克尔·约斯特博士和同事们针对此问题进行了深入研究,以了解夫妻同房对再次发生早产是否真的具有非常显著的影响。  Dr. Nicole P. Yost, from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, and colleagues looked at the effect of sexual intercourse on the risk of preterm birth in 187 pregnant women who had a previous preterm birth.  研究显示 差别不明显  研究对象共涉及此前有过早产经历的187名孕妇。研究人员收集了这些妇女环球宝贝助孕16周至18周期间夫妻同房的相关资料,其中165人的资料可以被用来进行分析。研究报告显示,在环球宝贝助孕期间有过多次性生活的妇女再次出现早产的比例为38%,这和那些表示自己在环球宝贝助孕期间很少或没有性生活的妇女再次发生早产的比例高一些,但差别并不十分明显,后者比例为28%。  The women's sexual history was obtained at 16 to 18 weeks into their pregnancy by a research nurse. Data from 165 of the women were available for analysis. 地下环球宝贝助孕市场调查 :美国研究显示环球宝贝助孕后同房不 Thirty-six percent of the women had a spontaneous preterm birth -- that is, at less than 37 weeks -- the report indicates.  The incidence of recurrent preterm birth among women reporting some sexual intercourse during pregnancy was 38 percent -- higher, but not significantly different from the 28 percent rate seen in women who reported little or no intercourse during pregnancy.  并未参与此项研究的一位妇产科医生珍妮·谢菲尔德告诉路透社
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